13 Oct 2013

Make your own musical instruments for kids

Have fun and make your own musical instruments from things you have at home.

Music engages all areas of a child’s brain and it’s so important for kids to experience as many different kinds of music as possible including rhythm, rhyme, and repetition in music and songs.

Kids love creating their own music from an early age. Why not have a go at making these simple musical instruments, and even form your own band at home.

Wrap rubber bands around a small sturdy topless box. Play by strumming your fingers across the rubber band.

Finger Cymbals
Punch 2 holes into identical small jar lids. Thread a pipe cleaner through the holes and twist to make finger handles. Put one onto each pointer finger and bang the lids together.

Tie a string around the top of a wire coat hanger and bend the hook closed. Hold onto a string and hit the hanger with a metal spoon.

Wrist bells
String 3 or 4 bells onto a pipe cleaner. Twist the ends together to form a bracelet.

Get out a cooking pot and beat the bottom of it with a wooden spoon.
Check out how to make these fun musical instruments too to teach your kids different rhythms and sounds

This article was written by the team at Under 5s.

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